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The HSBC banking group has admitted losing a computer disc with the details of 370,000 customers. The disc was lost four weeks ago after being sent by courier from the bank's life insurance offices in Southampton. The customers' details included their names, dates of birth, and their levels of insurance cover. However, there were no addresses or bank account details and HSBC said the customers' exposure to potential fraud was limited."We are looking into it and basically it has got lost from A to B," said an HSBC spokesman. "The reinsurer we sent it to is doing a thorough search for the disc. We will do anything we can to find it." "There are no financial details there in terms of banking details. There are no address details or anything like that," he added. As well as name, date of birth and value of the cover, the documents revealed only the customer's policy number and whether or nor the customer was a smoker.”
HSBC is claiming that customers’ exposure to potential fraud will be limited. I think that that ‘limit’ will be determined once the investigation has been completed. However, if the disc fell into the hands of professional identify thieves, the potential for fraud will not be limited.


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