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Mortgage Asset Research Institute just released a report on mortgage fraud for the first three months of the year, and California ranked No. 2, behind the No. 1 state of…..Florida!Coming in No. 3 was a three-way tie: Illinois, Maryland and Michigan.The MARI maintains a database of reported incidents of fraud and misrepresentations, and the ranking is based on total number of properties involved in fraud (the totals were not given). Nationwide such reports were up 42 percent in the first quarter vs. a year ago. And here I thought fraud would decrease after the credit crunch began last summer.
Although the report didn’t break out Orange County, it said in California 52 percent of properties with “misrepresentations” are in the Los Angeles.
“Income and employment misrepresentation on the mortgage application rank high in Florida, California, Illinois and Maryland. Florida and Maryland report higher income than employment misrepresentation, and California and Illinois report slightly higher employment than income misrepresentation.”“The first quarter data reveals that loan application misrepresentation continues to plague the industry. According to the FBI’s 2007 Mortgage Fraud Report, ‘the downward trend in the housing market provides an ideal climate for mortgage fraud perpetrators to employ a myriad of schemes suitable to a down market. Simply stated, mortgage fraud will not disappear


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