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Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Bankrupt Crystal Cathedral a family fluke or sign of times?: "Earlier this month the Crystal Cathedral declared bankruptcy, acknowledging that it is some $55 million in debt. This was no big surprise since it was no secret that the church, founded 55 years ago by Robert Schuller, was in serious trouble. Yet the bankruptcy of the congregation originally known as the Garden Grove Community Church, one of America’s most prominent megachurches, promises to send shock waves across the religious landscape.
After all, Robert Schuller is one of the country’s best-known and most publicly identifiable preachers. His sermons resounded for years across the nation and around the world through the “Hour of Power,” a syndicated program that The New York Times calls the country’s “longest-running religious television broadcast.” The church and the broadcast will continue -- but with major cutbacks in staff and ministry programs."


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